In the days of old, one bowed to equals and to those who were greater than oneself.  It was a sign of trust and alliance. By exposing yourself defenseless, you trusted the other would not put a sword to you. The bow was a sign that both parties were on the same team as allies.

It is noted in the book of Revelation, “And all the angels stood round about the throne, and the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God.”  The bow in this case goes beyond trust and allegiance. The heavenly bow signals obedience to do what God wants us to do.  Those who love Him, do what He wants done.

Here on Earth, we turn our eyes to Him on occasion.  In heaven, we will be overwhelmed with His presence. On Earth, we have duties to family and work. We are driven to focus on many small things. From directing our fork to our lips to staying in our lane on the freeway, just to  name two. These are not distractions; they are necessities.

The larger questions must address larger purposes. What does God want me to do?  How does He want me to spend my money?  Which words would He have me say in this instance? 

By asking these questions in prayer and listening to His response, we bow to God’s will for our life. Even Jesus prayed these prayers.  He went to a lonely place (alone, without company), prayed (phone off), waited and listened (TV, radio and phone off,) and did The Father’s will (not what society told him to do on social media.)  Jesus cared for people not for all the movable, changeable, trends of the world.

AWCIPA Prayer Model (Note: Spend an equal amount of time for each letter.)  Miles McPherson

A –  Admire and Thank God. Psalm 8:9 Thank God for everything you can think of.

W  –  Wait Quietly Before God. Psalm 46:10 Sit quietly & listen to God speak and write it down.

C  – Confess Your Sin. 1 John 1:9, Psalm 103:12 Confess your sins to God

I  – Intercede for Others. 1 Chronicles 4:9 Pray for other people.

P  – Petition for yourself. Psalm51:10-12, John 14:12-14 Ask for a pure heart. Ask for your needs.

A  – Admire and Thank God. Psalm 8:9 Thank God for everything you can think of.


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