
One of the joys of the Internet is being able to look up anything from how to turn Spam into a delicacy to how to make a nuclear generator for your home’s electricity; not that you would ever do either of those.  There is plenty of Spam available but not so much plutonium.  Danger lurks on the Internet, however. The idea that if we don’t know something we can look it up is powerful.  The looking is a far better tactic than just blurting out some knowledge we have gleaned from the web.  Question is – whose information can we trust?  Look up any symptom and you will find at least fifteen diseases to which you may attribute them.  This “solution” is quickly followed by a couple of hundred “cures” from foods to avoid to foods one must eat.  Then there is the consideration about the pills, exercises, and doctors to take into account.  Maybe it would have been better to suffer in silence.

Buying stuff is an even more complicated process.  Should I get that food processor from Ireland that is cheaper by 20% or should I pay more for the one with free shipping?  How much DOES it cost to ship a food processor from Ireland anyway?!  Will it really be the same brand?  The site with six, 5-star reviews is a little more risky than the 4.5 rated one with 187 reviews. 

You can also look up whether something is legal, ethical, or profitable.  Oh boy, then you have hundreds of thousands of lessons, videos, courses, books, and guides from which to choose.   “Just listen to my short (47 minute) presentation and I will tell you exactly what to do about your enigma.”   Forty-five minutes later, you have even less idea about the truth and your enigma is complicated by a dire need for Tylenol. 

As I approached the age of necessity, I once took a 4-hour course on Medicare coverage.  When I left the meeting, the only thing I knew was I had to find someone who knew about this far better than I ever could.   All of us heading for our cars were shaking our heads.

Politics, job opportunities, and the news fall into a whole other realm.  My Bible is coming to be more and more the best resource, starting with one of the most oft used phrases – Do Not Be Afraid.  I have lost my fear of dying because of Jesus promises eternal life.  Working on my fears for my country and my family, more and more I admit that it must be God who is in charge.  No human would ever allow all this craziness.  He even understands Medicare.


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